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Pip Pyle tourne la page ! [Batteur]

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Auteur Message
Jimmy B
Chef de Tribu

Inscrit le: 12 May 2002
Messages: 2948
Localisation: Rhythm Land

MessagePosté le: 07 Sep 2006 16:04    Sujet du message: Pip Pyle tourne la page ! [Batteur] Répondre en citant


Le batteur anglais Pip Pyle nous a quitté à Paris le 28 août 2006 à l'âge de 56 ans. Il avait joué avec entre autre : Delivery (1966-70), Chicken Shack (1970-71), Gong (1971), Paul Jones Group (1972), Hatfield and the North (1972-75), Weightwatchers (1975-76), National Health (1977-83), Soft Heap (1978-88), Rapid Eye Movement (1980-81), In Cahoots (1982-2001), Pip Pyle's Equip'Out (1984-95), Patrice Meyer Trio/Quartet (1985-87), Mimi Lorenzini Trio (1987), Faton Cahen Trio (1987-88), John Greaves Band (1990-91), Short Wave (1991-96), Gong/Shapeshifter (1992-93), Hugh Hopper Band (1994), Richard Sinclair/RSVP (1994), Gong (1994-96).

Site web
: http://www.pippyle.com

    Discographie de l'artiste

    1970 - Carol Grimes & Delivery - A Fool's Meeting
    45 r.p.m. "Harry Lucky"
    1971 - Daevid Allen - Banana Moon
    1971 - Gong - Continental Circus
    1971 - Gong - Camembert Electrique
    1971 - Dashiell Hedayat - Obsolete
    1972 - Bridget St. John - Thank You For ....
    1973 - Coxhill/Miller.Miller/Coxhill
    1974 - Hatfield And The North - Hatfield And The North
    1974 - Lady June - Lady June's Linguistic Leprosy
    1975 - Hatfield And The North - The Rotters' Club
    1975 - Hatfield And The North - Over The Rainbow
    1978 - National Health - National Health
    1978 - National Health - Of Queues And Cures
    1978 - Gilli Smyth - Mother
    1979 - Soft Heap
    1980 - Hatfield And The North - Afters
    1982 - National Health - D.S. Al Coda
    1982 - John Greaves - Accident
    1982 - The Ghoulies - Dogged By Dogma
    1984 - Neil - Neil's Heavy Concept Album
    1986 - Patrice Meyer - Dromadaire Viennois
    1987 - Pip Pyle's Equip' Out
    1987 - Phil Miller - Cutting Both Ways
    1987 - Didier Malherbe - Fetish
    1988 - Phil Miller - Split Seconds
    1989 - Alain et Yvon Guillard - Pazapa
    1989 - Faton Cahen - Couleur Rubis
    1990 - National Health - Complete
    1991 - John Greaves - La Petite Bouteille De Linge
    1991 - Pip Pyle's L'Equip' Out - Up!
    1991 - Lydia Domancich - Au-Dela Des Limites
    1991 - Phil Miller/In Cahoots - Live 1986-1989
    1991 - Phil Miller - Digging In
    1992 - Gong - Shapeshifter
    1992 - Johan Asherton - The Night Forlorn
    1993 - Phil Miller/In Cahoots - Live In Japan
    1993 - Hatfield And The North - Live 1990
    1993 - Gong - Live On TV 1990
    1993 - Shortwave - Live
    1994 - Phil Miller/In Cahoots - Recent Discoveries
    1994 - Richard Sinclair - R.S.V.P.
    1995 - Gong - The Birthday Party
    1995 - Gong - The Peel Sessions
    1995 - Soft Heap - A Veritable Centaur
    1996 - National Health - Missing Pieces
    1996 - Phil Miller/In Cahoots - Parallel
    1998 - Gong - The Family Jewels
    1998 - Pip Pyle - Seven Years Itch
    1999 - Brainville - The Children's Crusade
    1999 - Mark Hewins - Rebela
    2000 - Pyle-Iung-Greaves - The Pig Part
    2001 - In Cahoots -Out of The Blue
    2001 - National Health -Playtime
    2002 - The Canterbury Tales - Various Artists
    2002 Jack Monck - Inside The Whale
    2003 - Absolute Zero - Crashing Icons
    2003 - Various Artists - The Best Progressive Rock Album Ever
    2004 Pip Pyle’s BASH! “Belle Illusion” Cunieform Records Rune 193
    2005 Pip Pyle’s Equip’Out “Instants” Hux Records Hux 062
    2005 Hatfield and the North “Hatwise Choice” www.burningshed.com

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