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Disparition de Onwin Borde [Percussionniste]

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Jimmy B
Chef de Tribu

Inscrit le: 12 May 2002
Messages: 2706
Localisation: Rhythm Land

MessagePosté le: 10 Jun 2006 11:53    Sujet du message: Disparition de Onwin Borde [Percussionniste] Répondre en citant

http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/05/arts/music/05borde.html a écrit:
Onwin Borde, Percussionist Who Worked in Dance, Dies at 51

Published: June 5, 2006

Onwin S. Primus Borde, a percussionist known for his work in dance and theater, died on May 21 in Las Vegas, where he lived. He was 51.

The cause was a heart attack, said Margaret Goodfellow, a longtime friend.

Mr. Borde, the son of the dancers and choreographers Pearl Primus and Percival Borde, learned percussion when he toured with his parents in Africa and through studies with Alphonse Cimber and Montego Joe. After collaborating with his parents, he formed a jazz ensemble called Thrust in 1977. He also created scores for an Off Broadway production of "Les Blancs" by Lorraine Hansberry and for a production of Wole Soyinka's "Lion and the Jewel" at the New World Theater at the University of Massachusetts.

Mr. Borde was music director of the Barbados Dance Theater in 1984 and '85. He was the lighting and music director of the National Dance Company of Porto, in Portugal, and of the National Black Arts Festival in Atlanta. He was artist in residence at Howard University during its 1991-92 theater season.

There are no immediate survivors.

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