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Tony Corbiscello nous a quitté ! [Batteur de jazz]

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Jimmy B
Chef de Tribu

Inscrit le: 12 May 2002
Messages: 2448
Localisation: France

MessagePosté le: 23 Jan 2006 9:06    Sujet du message: Tony Corbiscello nous a quitté ! [Batteur de jazz] Répondre en citant

Tony Corbiscello 1953-2006

Batteur américain, Tony (Anthony dit) Corbiscello est disparu en ce début d'année, des suites d'un cancer.

Chronique de disque sur Percussions.org : The Tony Corbiscello big band “Real Time” [2004]

Sources :

http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/news.php?id=8578 a écrit:
Drummer Tony Corbiscello dead at 53
Posted: 2006-01-18

HARRINGTON PARK, N.J.--Anthony Corbiscello, a drummer and big band leader who performed at Lincoln Center and once opened for Frank Sinatra, died Sunday. He was 53.

Corbiscello died of cancer at his home in Bergen County, according to The Vander Plaat Memorial Home.

As a younger man, Corbiscello, who graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson University, played the drums and led the Tony Corbiscello Big Band.

The group played with such entertainers as Bob Hope and performed at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. In 1992, Corbiscello was chosen to open for Sinatra's final world tour because of his ability to drum in the style of both Buddy Rich and Gene Krupa.

-- Associated Press

http://www.jazzradio.net a écrit:
Tony Corbiscello Dies

American jazz drummer, Tony Corbiscello, a great friend of JazzRadio, has died at the age of 53 from cancer (writes Matthias Kirsch).

Tony Corbiscello was one of the best drummers and Big Band leaders around. He contacted JazzRadio 101.9 frequently to pass on jazz gossip and also to express his strong personal support for our radio station.

He died last Sunday at home in Bergen County, New Jersey.

A number of his many CDs as a leader were very popular with JazzRadio listeners, notably “In Full Swing”. Other of his CDs for the Alanna Records label are “Real Time” and “It´s About Time”.

The Tony Corbiscello Big Band played with top entertainers like Bob Hope and performed at venues like New York´s prestigious Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center.

When Frank Sinatra´s final world tour was announced in 1992, Tony Corbiscell got the call to be the drummer because he was one of the very few who could play in a similar style to drum legends Buddy Rich and Gene Krupa.

The wonderful jazz music of Tony Corbiscello will remain an important part of the programming of JazzRadio 101.9.

Site officiel de l'artiste : http://www.tonycorbiscellomusic.com

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