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John "Beatz" Holohan ne battra plus

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Jimmy B
Chef de Tribu

Inscrit le: 12 May 2002
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MessagePosté le: 30 Nov 2005 16:25    Sujet du message: John "Beatz" Holohan ne battra plus Répondre en citant

John "Beatz" Holohan | 1974/2005

Batteur (rock, punk, grunge) américain.

Batteur du groupe de rock Bayside [http://www.baysiderocks.com], John "Beatz" Holohan est disparu dans un accident de voiture le 31 octobre 2005.

http://www.newsday.com a écrit:
John 'Beatz' Holohan, 31, Bayside band drummer


November 1, 2005

John Holohan, drummer for the Queens-based punk band Bayside, died yesterday morning shortly after his band's van crashed outside Cheyenne, Wyo. He was 31.

The band was heading toward a concert in Utah when its van hit a patch of ice and flipped over, according to the band's label, Victory Records. It was not clear whether Holohan was wearing a seat belt.

The other passengers were hospitalized in Cheyenne, where bassist Nick Ghanbarian and drum technician Dan Marino are recuperating from injured backs and awaiting surgery. Singer Anthony Raneri and guitarist Jack O'Shea have been discharged.

Holohan, nicknamed "Beatz," was a native of Miller Place who had recently married and moved to New Jersey when he signed to play with Bayside in August 2004. The band's future was looking shaky - two members had quit - but Holohan and recent addition Ghanbarian breathed new life into the group, practicing for hours a night while holding down day jobs.

"All four of us were confident and comfortable right away," Raneri said in an interview in August. "We met each other and we were like, 'Yeah, I could definitely be on tour with you.'"

The easygoing Holohan enjoyed talking to reporters and label staffers, even while on the road. "His phone calls and daily e-mail updates were always a reminder as to why I am in this business," Victory founder Tony Brummel said in a statement. "Every time I heard from him he told me that he was 'having the time of his life.'"

The accident comes as Bayside was reintroducing itself to audiences with a new, self-titled album produced by pop veterans Shep and Kenny. A video for the single "Devotion and Desire," was complete. The current tour, with the groups Silverstein and Hawthorne Heights, was aimed at widening Bayside's fan base. Vinnie Caruana, whose band, I Am The Avalanche, recently toured with Bayside, said, "People like John should be around forever, Every time he'd walk away from me, I'd just think, "That guy is so solid.'"

Holohan is survived by his wife, Amy Martin; his parents; and his brothers, Bobby and Mike. Donations to Holohan's family can be made through www.victoryrecords.com.

http://xrrf.blogspot.com/2005/11/rockobit-john-beatz-holohan.html a écrit:
ROCKOBIT: John 'Beatz' Holohan
A fatal car accident has claimed the life of John 'Beatz' Holohan, drummer with New York based clean-grungers Bayside.

The band's vehicle jacknifed in icy conditions while they were heading up Interstate 80 to a gig at Salt Lake City, throwing Holohan from the vehicle. He died at the scene. Bassist Nick Ghanbarian was also seriously injured in the accident.

The group were early pioneers of using MySpace and Friendster to build a fan base, promoting their 2003 debut Sirens and Condolences online and building up what they described as "The Bayside Cult", members of which were encouraged to get tattoos and wear razorblades.

Beatz's page on the band website listed his favourite bands as including U2 and Big Daddy Kane. He was 31.

["Le bruit règne en maître sur la sensibilité humaine" | Luigi Russolo ]
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