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Mana "China" Nishiura : femme batteuse disparue

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Jimmy B
Chef de Tribu

Inscrit le: 12 May 2002
Messages: 2448
Localisation: France

MessagePosté le: 17 Nov 2005 11:11    Sujet du message: Mana "China" Nishiura : femme batteuse disparue Répondre en citant

Mana "China" Nishiura
October 11th, 1971 - November 4th, 2005

Site officiel | http://china-mana.hp.infoseek.co.jp |

Jeune batteuse japonaise de rock-funk, Mana Nishiura nous a quitté le 04 novembre 2005 dans un tragique accident de voiture.

http://china-mana.hp.infoseek.co.jp a écrit:
Thank you for visiting. You may have already heard the terrible news that "China" Mana has passed away after being involved in a tragic car accident while on tour with DMBQ on November 4th. I am saddened and shocked by this as I'm sure you all are. I only created and maintained this website for Mana - all content was provided by her. At the moment I am not sure what to do with it. Her drumming gave a lot of inspiration to all who heard her and anyone who heard or saw her can't forget her. Thank you for everything China Mana! You are always with us and we will love you forever. Rest in peace.
webmaster: Mamiko Nakagawa

http://harpmagazine.com/news/detail.cfm?article=10490 a écrit:
DMBQ Drummer Dies in Car Accident
Jaime Ryan
November 8, 2005

Mana “China” Nishiura, drummer for DMBQ and former drummer for Shonen Knife, died Nov. 4 when the band’s van was clipped by another vehicle and flipped over on I-95 near the Delaware Memorial Bridge. The band, on tour with An Albatross, were en route from Baltimore to Brooklyn to play what was to be the first of two shows in the city last weekend.

Nishiura was thrown from the van and died at the scene; the rest of DMBQ (Shinji Masuko, Toru Matsui and Ryuichi Watanabe) and their manager (Michelle Cable) were all treated for serious, but non-life-threatening injuries. DMBQ was subsequently forced to cancel the remainder of their national tour.

The band’s label, Lovepump United, has set up a paypal account for those wishing to make donations to the band. More information is available at their website.

http://www.aversion.com/news/news_article.cfm?news_id=5371 a écrit:
Mana "China" Nishiura, drummer for DMBQ, was killed in a roll-over accident while her band traveled between two tour dates.

Nishiura was killed when DMBQ’s van was involved in a roll-over accident while traveling on I-95 in Delaware while en route from Baltimore to Brookyln. Also severely injured in the wreck was Michelle Cable of Panache magazine.

The remaining members of DMBQ were hospitalized, though remain in stable condition. No further details were released on Cable or the other members’ condition.

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