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Le batteur Mike Gibbins vous salue

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Jimmy B
Chef de Tribu

Inscrit le: 12 May 2002
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MessagePosté le: 24 Oct 2005 16:50    Sujet du message: Le batteur Mike Gibbins vous salue Répondre en citant

Mike Gibbins

Site Internet de l'artiste : http://www.mikegibbins.com

Mike Gibbins est disparu à l'âge de 56 ans. Batteur américain de rock, musicien incontournable, il a fait les grandes heures du groupe Badfinger, et a été le parfait sideman de nombreuses stars de la musique. En 1970 il est N°4 en Angleterre & N°7 aux States, avec le single "Come And Get It" avec le groupe Badfinger.

http://www.nme.com/news/beatles/21200 a écrit:
Drumming legend dies
Badfinger's Mike Gibbins passed away on Tuesday

Mike Gibbins, drummer with Badfinger, has died aged 56, it has been announced.

The 1960s rockers were formed in Wales and signed to The Beatles' Apple Corps label.

But they were best known for writing 'Without You', which became massive hit for both Harry Nillson and Mariah Carey.

Gibbins died on Tuesday (October 4) at his home in Florida. A statement on his website today reads: "To all Mike's fans, it is with deepest regret to inform all that he passed away on 4 October, in his sleep by natural causes. He will be terribly missed by all."

Badfinger were plagued by tragedy throughout their career, with both main songwriters in the band Pete Ham and Tom Evans committing suicide due to financial difficulties endured by the band.

Badfinger biographer Dan Matovina told the BBC: "Badfinger was the highlight of his life, coming out of Wales, having success, touring America. But the tragedy of losing his two bandmates to suicides weighed heavily on that."

Beatles drummer Ringo Starr was said to a great admirer of Gibbins' style.

http://suicidegirls.com/news/music/12244/ a écrit:
Badfinger were one of the unluckiest bands in the history of rock'n'roll. Signed to The Beatles' Apple Records and groomed to be the Fab Four's heirs, their first big hit was the Paul McCartney penned "Come And Get It". The Beatles even renamed them after a reference to an early title for "With A Little Help From My Friends". Notice that the URL for the NME story quoted above says "Beatles" instead of "Badfinger". After their mentors split in 1970, the band initially caught an anti-Beatles backlash from critics, but rebounded with several successful singles and albums, including "Without You" -- which was made famous by Harry Nilsson.

However, as Apple Records began to unwind, the band ran into financial troubles which were only exacerbated by their manager, Stan Polley, who negotiated a new deal with Warner Bros that would lead to several critically-panned albums and, eventually, a lawsuit.

Fed up with the financial mess, the band's original leader, Pete Ham, quit, rejoined, and the next year, committed suicide, blaming Polley in his suicide note. Amazingly, the rest of the band carried on until 1981, when it split into two separate groups, one led by bassist Tom Evans, the other by guitarist Joey Molland, both touring under the name "Badfinger". In 1983, following an argument with Molland, Evans hung himself in his home.

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