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Farafina - Burkina Faso

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MessagePost� le: 30 Sep 2001 16:39    Sujet du message: Farafina - Burkina Faso R�pondre en citant

It is from the borders of what was once known as Upper Volta, now called Burkina Faso, that Farafina's music originates.

Authentic music, derived from the dances and lyrics of griots and from the passion of one man, Mahama Konate who now has left the group since 1991.

Former member of the National Ballet of Upper Volta, he founded Farafina in 1978 and performed in West-Africa. Four years later, in 1982, during their first European tour, Farafina was warmly received by a public which was dazzled by so much virtuosity and creativity. The most predominant feature of Farafina's music is its subtle blend of binary and ternary rhythms which are produced by the complex beats of the percussion, the no less sophisticated motifs of the balafon and the Cora, the melodies of the flute Pe�l and the vocals.

All the crucial aspects of African music can be found at the heart of Farafina's work. The rich polyphonic and polyrhythmic blend does not leave the listener indifferent highlighting as it does all the essential foundations of West Africa's musical patrimony.

Reinvented by encounters not only with modernity, but also with other African music influences such as the Mandingue culture of Burkina Faso's neighboring countries, the melodies of Mali and Niger, the chants and drums of Ghana and Benin, all contribute to the richness of Farafina's work.

Lords of the tama (talking drum), an African percussion that is held under the arm, Farafina's musicians are the wizards of the drums. Mandan influences of the Bambaran griots, the music of the countries neighboring Burkina-Faso are also melted into the gold of Farafina : the melodies of the peoples of Mali and Niger, the legends of the city of Kong, the songs of Benin and drum music of Ghana. It's a revelation. The revelation of a world music which is too intelligent to allow itself to be lost in the clich�s of traditions : Farafina's music is the music of dancing Africa, an Africa on move�Christophe Passer "Nouveau Quotidien"

�in Farafina's work one can always detect the spirit of those who are searching.

Jon Hassell accurately perceived their potential when he recorded the very successful album "Flash of the Spirit" with them in 1987. In their albums, both Ryuichi Sakamoto and the Rolling Stones made a good use of Farafina's fabulous rhythmic section. "Faso Denou" was released by Real World, Peter Gabriel's studios, and which recording was produced by Billy Cobham and Daniel Lanois. And now we have "N�mako", the latest magical melodic and rhythmical album, released by Intuition�Fran�ois Bensignor

Farafina creates a subtle music that is sensitive and ardent at the same time. It draws your body and mind into discovering not only the African life but a universal life nourished with rhythms leading all the way to the roots of jazz.


1998 - Nemako produced by Michel Schaer and Thierry van Roy. Intuition Music & Media. (Ref. INT 3241-2)

1993 - Faso Denou produced by Billy Cobham & Daniel Lanois. Under Realworld Label, a Virgin/EMI distribution. (Ref. CDRW 35).

1985 - Farafina Live At Montreux Jazz Festival (Ref. ART 2929 / Artways Productions, LP-MC)

1989 - Bolomakote (Ref. VeraBRA 26, CD-LP-MC)


1987 - Flash Of The Spirit produced by Brian Eno & Daniel Lanois (Ref. 1C066-7 91 186 1 DMM)

Recorded in New-York after a serie of concerts with Jon Hassel

1989 - Beauty (Ref. CDVUS 14)

Collaboration with Ryuichi Sakamoto for the recording of three titles. Steel Wheels (Ref. Rolling Stones Records 4657522)

Rolling Stones invited Farafina to participate on the recording of Continental Drift

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